Search API

The API base URL for all search actions is:


The following sections describe the parameters and usage of the three main search modes:

  • summary view
  • full view
  • explain view

Search Result Mode (summary view)

The summary view is the basic search response provided by the hub. In the following sections we will describe the output and the parameters that are available to the API developer.

General parameters

There are some general parameters that apply to all modes and they are described below.

  • wskey = the APIs can be configured to only be available with an API key. This can be configured in the production.conf. By default all APIs are open. When they are protected the wskey parameter needs to be specified in the URL as a request parameter.
  • lang = here the language can be specified. It takes valid ISO two letter codes. When the language is not supported the default lang en is returned. All the i18n elements of the API response are rendered depending on the lang that is specified

Basic query parameters

  • query = is the search term you want to search on. It accepts simple searches and fielded searches with fields that are available in the ‘explain response’ you must use the fields as they are represented in the @search attribute. It accepts all the valid Solr/Lucene query syntax, see and
  • start = is the integer for start page of the results. Mostly you just take the value from the /results/pagination/ block.
  • rows = is the integer for number of records that you want to have returned. Default is 20.
  • format = is the response format you want the API response to be returned it. The summary view mode supports the following enumerated options:
    • xml = return the results as XML response. (default)
    • json = return the results as JSON response.
    • jsonp = return the results as padded JSON. The default callback is delvingCallback, but you can specify your own with the callback parameter.
    • kml = return the results in the KML format. This format can be loaded directly in Google Maps or Google Earth for rendering. It filters out all the results that don’t have a valid geospatial reference in the record.
    • custom formats: there are also a number of custom output formats that have been created for specific projects but don’t have a great general re-use. Th e following is a non-exhaustive list of them:
      • simile = return the results in the JSON format that can be loaded into SIMILE widgets directly
      • similep = same as simile, but now padded with a callback, see also jsonp.
      • kml-abc = is a KML flavour that can be used to load the result onto ‘erfgoed op de kaart’ projects
  • callback = to be used with the padded formats of json and simile. Here you can specify your own callback string for integration into your system.
  • fl = a comma separated list with the metadata fields you want to have returned in the response. You can find the valid fields in the explain response.
  • cache = accepts boolean values to use the Culture-Hub cache for thumbnails. Currently, the following fields are supported: , , . It works by prepending the Culture-Hub cache url to the thumbnails url and url-encodes it. The default value is false and it renders the thumbnail URLs without any modifications.
  • sortBy = the valid sort field you want to sort the records on. For valid sort field see the ‘explain response’. The default sort order is by relevance as returned by the search engine.
  • sortOrder = It has the following enumerated options:
    • asc = sort records ascending
    • desc = sort records descending
  • group.field = (planned for API version 0.17)


Facets parameters

Depending on the configuration in the production.conf a number of facets is returned with each summary view. With the following parameters this behavior can be be changed.

  • qf = the basic query filter. It expects a valid facet field - see explain response - with its value separated with a ‘:’, for example europeana_dataProvider_facet:Fylkesarkivet%20i%20Sogn%20og%20Fjordane. This field can be repeated to add more query filters
  • hqf = the same functionality as the qf but now it is treated as a hidden constraint. So the filter is applied to treat the output as if no records outside the filtered results exist in the index. This is useful for dynamically creating custom APIs.
  • facet.field = for adding additional facets to the output that are not specified in the production.conf.
  • facet.limit = the number of facet links returned per facet. The default is 100
  • facet.boolType = is the boolean type that specifies if multiple facet links are selected are treated as ‘OR’ or ‘AND’. The enumerated options are:
    • OR = is the default. Matched records that have either of the filter queries specified.
    • AND matches only records that match all the filter queries.


GeoSpatial search parameters

GeoSpatial search is implemented using the Solr SOLR2155 extension, see also

  • pt = the center point of the query. It expects a lat,long pair separated by a comma
  • d = an integer specifying the distance in kilometers from the centre point.
  • sfield = the field you want to perform the geospatial search on. It can be on any field that has the _geohash field extension/type. The default field that is being used is field
  • geoType = is the type of geoSpatial search that you want to perform. The enumerated options are:
    • geofilt = (is the default type when nothing is specified). Is the distance filter function from the center point.
    • bbox = creates a bounding box query of the size specified in d from the center point specified in pt

Description API response components

The output of the summary view request is structured as follows:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
xmlns:abm="http://to_be_decided/abm/" xmlns:itin="" xmlns:drup="" xmlns:ese="" xmlns:europeana="" xmlns:raw="" xmlns:musip="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:aff="" xmlns:custom="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:icn="" xmlns:tib="" xmlns:abc="" xmlns:delving="">
     <query numFound="13154">
               <breadcrumb value="{breadcrump value}" field="{medataField used}" href="{the query parameters for this breadcrumb}" i18n="{i18n key}">{queryterm}</breadcrumb>
          <start>{start record}</start>
          <rows>{number of records returned}</rows>
          <numFound>{total number of records found}</numFound>
          <nextPage>{next page if it has a next page}</nextPage>
          <lastPage>{last page nr}</lastPage>
          <currentPage>{current page nr}</currentPage>
               <link isLinked="{}" start="{page nr}"> {page nr} </link>
               {… up to 10 links …}
                    <name>{metadata field name}</name>
                    <i18n>{translated field name based on the lang specfied}</i18n>
               {… metadata fields … }
                {… highlighted fields ...}
          {… more items ..}
          <facet isSelected="{boolean if the facet is selected with a qf}" name="{name of the facet}" missingDocs="{nr of documents without a value for this facet field}" i18n="{translated value}">
               <link isSelected="{boolean if link is selected}" url="{query parameters to be appended to url to select this facet}" value="value of this facet item" count="{frequency}">{formatted value}</link>
          {… more facet links}

          {… more facets ...}
  • result = The surrounding wrapper of the whole API response, i.e. the root of the response
    • @numFound = is the total number of records found
  • query = the query block. It return the query terms and breadcrumbs. This information is used to render the user query and to provide a bread-crumb trail with the facets clicked.
    • terms = returns the raw query string as entered by the user.
    • breadcrumbs = contains a list of all the breadcrumbs based on the user query and facets in the order they were selected
      • breadcrumb = is the entry with the user readable query. In the attributes in contains elements that can be used for a variety of display purposes
        • @value = the value that was search for
        • @field = the field that was searched in. This is empty for the user query.
        • @href = the URL parameters that need to be appended to the base URL to get back to this point in the breadcrumb trail
        • @i18n = the translation of the @field as defined by the language specified in lang parameter
  • pagination = is the wrapper of all elements that are needed to build pagination for the search results
    • start = the number of the first record on the current page.
    • rows = the number of records returned per page. The default number is 20, but this can be overridden by using the rows parameter in the request
    • numFound = is the total number of records found
    • currentPage = the page number of the current page
    • nextPage = the page number of the next page, if the current page is not the last page. In that case this element is not displayed.
    • previousPage = the pageNumber of the previous page if the current page is not the first page. In that case this element is not displayed.
    • links = the links can be used to build the link navigation for a result pager. When the selected page is more than 4 links removed from the start page, the selected page link will be centered among the linked pages.
      • link = each link represents a page.
        • @islinked = is a boolean to determine which page your are on. true for this page, false for other page.
        • @start = contains an int for the start parameter if you want to jump to this page.
  • layout = the layout block that can be used to localize the metadata fields based on the language specified in the lang parameter
    • fields = list of fields with i18n translations
      • field = the wrapper for the field values * name = the name of the metadata field as it is used in the API response, but then with the ‘:’ separator replaced with an ‘_’. * i18n = the translated value of the metadata field specified in name
  • items = list of metadata records returned
    • item = wrapper of the actual metadata record
      • fields = wrapper of the metadata fields as they are stored in the Search Engine
      • highlights = contains a list of highlighted fields that contain a match for the query. This is useful when the records also contain large blocks of text, such as from text-extraction of PDFs. The highlighted fields can be configured in the production.conf
  • facets = wrapper of all facets that are returned in the response
    • facet = contains a list of all facets until the face.limit for this facet field. By default this list is reverse sorted by frequency.
      • @isSelected = contains a boolean that describes if any of facet links are selected by the user. This can be used to expand or collapse the facet display.
      • @name = the metadata field for this facet that is used
      • @missingDocs = the number of records that don’t have this metadata field with a value
      • @i18n = the translation of the @name into the language specified by @lang
      • link = has all the information
        • @isSelected = contains a boolean that describes if this facet link is selected by the user
        • @url = contains the parameters that need to be attached to the URL in order to select this facet
        • @count = the frequency of the number of records this value found in as string in field facet/@name
        • @value = the string value the @count refers to.

Full View Mode

The Full View mode is activated by passing a valid identifier to the id parameter on the search API base-URL, see


The API responses from summary view are retrieved directly from the search engine. The full view however retrieves the mapped version from the metadata storage. By default you will get the same schema that is used for indexing. In the output of the summary view, you have the delving:allSchemas and delving:currentSchema fields. The allSchemas field contains all the mapped and publicly available fields. Via the schema parameter in the api call you can specify which of the publicly available schemas you want to have returned.

The full view mode accepts the following parameters:

  • id = the identifier of the record you wish to retrieve.
  • idType = the type of identifier you wish to retrieve. It has the following enumerated options:
    • hubId = is the default and is retrieved from field
    • legacy = is the record identifier used by the legacy portal system and is retrieved from the field
    • pmhId = is identifier used in the OAI-PMH output to identify records and is retrieved from the field
  • format = the response format you want to have your API request returned in. The enumerated options are:
    • json = JSON output
    • xml = XML output (default)
  • lang = the language into which the layout field blocks will be translated. It accepts two letter ISO language codes, like for example ‘en’, ‘no, ‘nl’
  • schema = the metadata schema you want to have your record returned in. The default schema is the same that was used for indexing.
  • mlt = is a boolean operator that triggers the ‘more-like-this’ functionality that is configured in the production.conf file. The enumerated options are:
    • true
    • false (default) You can configure the following options in the configuration file for the mlt functionality. For more information on them, see
    • fieldList = list of fields to be returned. Can be taken from the search attributes in the explain response. Default: delving_creator, delving_title, delving_description
    • minimumTermFrequency = integer, default: 1
    • minimumDocumentFrequency = integer, default: 2
    • minWordLength = integer, default: 0
    • maxWordLength = integer, default: 0
    • maxQueryTerms = integer, default: 25
    • maxNumToken = integer, default: 5000
    • boost = boolean, default: false
    • queryFields = list of query fields, see also fieldList.

The output of the full view request is structured as follows:

<result xmlns:abc="" xmlns:delving="" xmlns:tib="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:icn="" xmlns:custom="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:raw="" xmlns:itin="" xmlns:ese="" xmlns:europeana="" xmlns:drup="" xmlns:abm="http://to_be_decided/abm/">
            {.. more fields ...}
            <dc:creator>Fosse, Ole Pedersen</dc:creator>
            <dc:title>Gruppe, Hang 1920-1925</dc:title>
            {.. more fields ...}
                <dc:title>Gruppe, Hang 1920-1925</dc:title>
                {.. more fields ...}
        {.. more items ...}
  • result = the surrounding wrapper
    • layout = the layout block that can be used to translate the metadata fields based on the @lang specified. The default lang is en.
      • fields = the list of fields
        • field = the wrapper for the field values
          • name = the name of the metadata field as it is used in the API response, but then with the ‘:’ separator replaced with an ‘_’.
          • i18n = the translated value of the metadata field specified in name
    • item = The actual full view item that was requested via the id parameter
      • fields =
        • metadata fields as returned by the schema defined in the schema parameter
    • relatedItems = this is an optional block that is only displayed when the parameter mlt=true is specified. It returns a list of items
      • item = contains the metadata fields of the related item
        • fields =
          • metadata fields as returned by the schema defined in the schema parameter. They are basically the same as /result/item/fields/.


Explain Mode

The explain API’s main function is to give an overview of the API options, the search fields, the facet fields, and the sort fields. The data is directly generated from the search index.

The explain mode has two main functions:

  1. Explain the search API
    • light
    • all
  2. Provide facet field based autocompletion for fields. This is mostly used to provide basic autocomplete functionality for advanced search fields.
    • fieldExplain

Since the output of both modes is very different, they will be explained in separate sub-sections.

Basic Explain

The functionality is requested by adding the explain={light|all} to the base search API url, see


It supports the following additional parameter:

format = the response format you want to have your API request returned in. The enumerated options are: * json = JSON output * xml = XML output (default)

The output of the fieldValue request is structured as follows:

                <label> query </label>
                    <option> any string </option>
                <description> Will output a summary result set. Any valid Lucene or Solr Query syntax will work. </description>
                <label> format </label>
                    <option> xml </option>
                    <option> json </option>
                    <option> jsonp </option>
                    <option> simile </option>
                    <option> similep </option>
                    <option> kml     </option>
                    <option> kml-abc </option>
                <field fieldType="text_general" docs="0" xml="dc:title" distinct="537693" search="dc_title_text"> </field>
                {… more fields ...}
                <facet fieldType="string" docs="0" xml="dc:date" distinct="131856" search="dc_date_facet"/>
                {… more facets …}
                <sort-field fieldType="string" docs="0" xml="all:delving_hasDigitalObject" distinct="2" search="sort_all_delving_hasDigitalObject"/>
                {… more sort fields …}
  • parameters = contains a list of all the parameters (as <element>) the search API accepts. Each API parameter listed here in the API response is also listed above in the Search API section
    • element = the block describing API parameter
      • label = the actual label that should be used in the API
      • options = contains either a list or a description of the values the api parameter accepts
      • description = the optional description of the usage of the API parameter
  • solr-dynamic = contains a list of all valid search/metadata fields that are present in the index. They are split up into three different types: fields, facets, sort-fields
    • fields =
      • field = contains a number of indicators describing the field in the xml attributes.
        • @search = contains the full field name as it in indexed with the field type suffix and how it should be used in search (for fielded searches) and how it should be used in the fl parameter to specify which fields must be returned in the summary view response. Currently, the following field types that are used as suffixes are supported: string, facet, location,int,single,text,date,link,s,lowercase,geohash. When a field does not contain any of these suffixes, it means that it is a system field that already configured with the correct type in the search engine schema.xml configuration file.
        • @fieldtype = the index field type. This type is appended as a suffix to the metadata field-name at indexing time and stripped during rendering. The types that are rendered here are the field types as they are know to the search engine. This type is determined by the suffix you can see in the @search attribute.
        • @xml = contains the raw format of the field name as it was seen in mapping and how it will be rendered in the API output.
        • @docs = the number of documents/records in the index that contain this field.
        • @distinct = the number of distinct values that are indexed in this field
    • facets = contains a number of indicators describing the field in the xml attributes. Same attributes as fields. The facet field @search value can be used in query for fielded search, qf and hqf for filtering, facet.field for listing additional facets outside the production.conf configuration, and as fields in the Statistics API.
    • sort-fields = contains a number of indicators describing the field in the xml attributes. Same attributes as fields. The sort field can be used in the sortBy parameter.

examples =

Field Explain

The field explain functionality was developed to drive the advanced search autocompletion for the Delving Drupal module. This module consumed the Culture-Hub search APIs represent slices of the total index for regional and institutional portals.

The functionality is requested by adding the explain=fieldValue to the base search API url, see


It supports the following parameters:

  • field = the facetable field that you want to have autocompletion for
  • value = the optional prefix that you want to constrain your results to. For example, when you give M will give back all values starting with M. When you give mo it will give the values starting with mo, etc. The default is nothing and then it uses reverse sort by frequency of occurrence.
  • format = the response format you want to have your API request returned in. The enumerated options are:
    • json = JSON output
    • xml = XML output (default)
  • rows = integer of the number of values you want to have returned in the response. Default is 10

The output of the fieldValue request is structured as follows:


                value: "Midtbyen",
                count: 15036


    <item count="15036">Midtbyen</item>
  • results = is the list of response returned
    • item = is the actual fieldValue response pair with
      • value = is the facet value returned
      • count = the number of occurrences in the full index

examples =